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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Last Suppers #9 (the end)

Well, that's it.

Last night, I had my last meal at Journeyman in quite a while. And it was very good.

I dined with six others -- folks I know from the virtual glass project. And they got it; kept things hip and interesting, provided great conversation, debated and explored the food; and wore glowsticks in their hair (I had some left over in my apartment).

We were lucky enough to be able to beta the non-alcoholic drink pairings with our meal and, well, they were interesting! Certainly added interesting compliments to each dish. I think people are going to be really into them in the future.

After dinner, the Journeyfolk gave me a notebook that they'd signed. It wasn't a tearful goodbye, but it was really close on my side. There was no reason for them to go out of their way for me, and I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to use it as a food journal in their honor.

This morning I managed to snag a loaf from iggys and a ice cream sandwich from beakers and cream before heading out. So, food-wise, pretty much a perfect exit.

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