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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Rktcr Benchmark

In preparing Rktcr for release on Steam, I've been making some minor adjustments to the code and art (Steam Achievements! Blinking characters!). As I've made a bit of a fuss about before, Rktcr is a game that plays exactly the same across three compiler/OS combinations (g++/Debian, clang++/OSX, cl.exe/Windows). As such, part of any update is confirming determinism with an extensive test suite.

Specifically, I have the game compute SHA1 hashes of relevant state as it plays itself on a hand-crafted set of ~1,600 par time paths. Yes, there are over 1,600 individual paths segments you might want to play in Rktcr, and I have a plan to add cheat-proof leaderboards for all of those. But that's a topic for another post.

The Benchmark

So how do my Windows and Linux partitions stack up against each-other on this (blended filesystem/compiler optimization) benchmark? (I'm not testing clang++/OSX since that's not installed on the same machine.)

WindowsVS2013, Update 3120 seconds
WindowsVS2013, Update 4121 seconds
WindowsVS2013, Update 4, optimizations off137 seconds
Linuxg++ 4.8.179 seconds
Linuxg++ 4.9.276 seconds

I'm pretty sure that the one-second difference between VS updates is within noise, though I dread that it may be a performance regression. Turning optimizations off demonstrates that they are at least doing something.

Under Linux, there is a noticeable improvement between the steam-runtime-targeting g++ 4.8 and my system-wide g++ 4.9; whether it's a compiler or standard library difference isn't clear; but it is certainly nice when newer compilers make old code faster.

Finally, I'm surprised that the Windows/VS version is doing so poorly compared to Debian/g++ -- my previous experience has been that cl.exe produces code that is a fair bit faster than either g++ or clang++. I'm left wondering if this particular code is something that cl.exe fails to optimize properly, or if the Windows stack is failing somewhere else (filesystem read performance? standard library implementation?). There could even be exotic hardware causes -- Windows and Linux are run from different [though identically-branded, purchased-at-the-same-time] SSDs -- perhaps one is slower.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rainbow is a Pocket Gamer 2015 Nominee

My rainbow-driving game, Rainbow (available for iOS and Android for approximately $1) has been nominated for a Pocket Gamer award in the "Most Innovative" category.

Please head over to Pocket Gamer to vote. It's almost certainly not going to win, but one must try, eh?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year Paraphernalia

Each year, my brother and I spend the new year's eve building a new album to release. Also, I've been trying to get in the habit of releasing a little interactive solstice / new year card around the same time. So here they are.


This year's game is a quick implementation of a puzzle interaction involving moving blocks around. The opening animation explains it better than I could:



This year's is called "Sassy Bunny" and you can listen to it right now:

Some highlights: Weird To Me -- a classic one-take Jimike song; Undone -- all sorts of interesting sounds in here; Intro -- really energetic track. Some lowlights: weird mixing in Great In The Future; She -- a track that is perhaps too mellow.

We are starting to accumulate a fair bit of audio gear. This year's album involved two guitars, a banjo, a Monotribe, three mics, and two different midi control devices -- a keyboard and a Push (run through a custom script to make it nice for use in Reason).

As always, expect Spotify links when we get around to pushing the files to our distributer.

Why Rainbow fails on iOS 8

Last week, I received a disturbing bug report from an iOS 8 user: Rainbow, it seems, wasn't properly saving any game state. So, I sat down to see what the problem was.

The culprit seems to be the helper function user_data_dir, which is responsible for figuring out where to store data files for the game:

string user_data_dir(string const &app_name)
    /* ... */
    #elif defined(IOS)
    ret = "../Documents";
    #elif defined(ANDROID)
    /* ... */
    return ret;

Hmm. A hardcoded path. That seems brittle.

Looking up user data paths and iOS 8, I came across a tech note which pretty succinctly explained the situation. Basically, the Documents directory is no longer a sibling of the application, so must be requested using a (ObjC) call, which I ended up dumping into a different (compiled-as-ObjC++) file:

std::string documents_directory() {
    return [[[[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject] path] UTF8String];

And that seems to have done it. Expect a 1.5.2 version of Rainbow to appear soon.